sharing joy.

2022 School Supplies and Toy Drive
In celebration of Amila's 5th birthday, we fulfilled the kindergarten class wish list of Mrs. Kelejian, who would have been Amila's teacher. Our donation included supplies worth over $2500. We also donated over 100 toys and 40 gift cards to families from the organization, Youth For Christ, specifically to assist teen parents and their young children during the 2022 holiday season. We extend our gratitude for your ongoing love and support.
The Amila Rey Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) corporation. Your donation is tax deductible.
Amila Rey was born November 21, 2017. She joined her brother Adrian and sister Aliana and we felt complete. Amila was the squishiest baby with the cutest little dimples that you ever did see. Her joy was infectious and her smile was contagious. On May 3, 2018, after only 164 days on earth Amila was called to Heaven while sleeping in her crib. While her loss has been painful and devastating, we know our girl is waiting for us somewhere over the rainbow.
In her short time earth-side she did what most of us hope to do with our lives, she INSPIRED.
Through The Amila Rey Foundation we hope to share Amila's joyous and pure spirit by providing resources and support to some of the most vunerable and under served children and families in our community.
We hope you will join us!